Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Bowl and Super Tuesday

While I have a soft place in my heart for the Pats, there is something about the underdog winning that also stirs excitement for me.

I think of the candidates today, Romney is my only hopeful. There are so many things wrong with Government these days... (not just ours in the US) that I sometimes wonder how many more years it will be before we have more World Wars or mass population changing events. Regarding the political parties, I just disagree with so many of the Democratic views... but then, I am not completely a right-winger either... Libertarian? ...sometimes... Maybe there is no right-way or wrong-way for our government. Maybe our current national state is all fate driven and regardless of how hard we try to instill competent leadership in the government, it is written in the stars and the cards for us to travel this self destructive path. Part of "God's Plan".... or Satan’s, who knows... but either way we have certain peril in our future until stabilization and balance with nature and resources has once again been achieved.

My wife is convinced that either the second coming or a comet will be changing our future between now and 2013. Self proclaimed Prophets, savants of the 1600's, or even the Mayan Calendar point to something.... but what it is? Sounds like the makings of a movie or book. Three parties survive Armageddon; the self sufficient survivalists (The Strong), Religious and principled (the Ant Farm), and the cannibalistic heathens that are willing to do anything for food or political power (the Rest). Who else would stand a chance in a global economic and energy meltdown? Even if you prepared for such an event, how long could you really hold out before the harsh new world overcame your preparations for disaster? A week, a month, or lets really stretch it and say a year?... Then what? Yep, back to the three remaining parties...

I think if I did survive, which would be my luck, I vote for ant farm. What ever the future holds, I would think that many would agree that things will not continue the way we are right now for much longer. Too much use and abuse of resources per/person... too much turmoil among the huddled masses. I sometimes find myself also wondering how many more years I will be able to just stand under a hot shower, or eat food grown naturally. The mass production of meat products today is just scary, and with genetic alteration of fruits and vegetables... who knows what effect that will have on us long term.

Speaking of long term effects... when are people going to start suing for radiation exposure due to proximity of radio emitting devices (cell phones, etc...). Maybe they really aren’t effecting our brains.. the cells on the sides of our head, and around our waists where we oft wear them. Maybe my hearing loss is completely due to loud music as a teen and just getting old. *shrugs* I wouldn't be surprised to have a renowned research group come forward in a big public release of information, reminiscent of the Tobacco industry smoking and cancer event.

Opp, conference call in 4 minutes.. gotta go!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year - 2008


Hello Campers.

Today was the first day of the new year, and yet... nothing seems to have changed (big surprise there).

Wow! Did Hawaii get blown away by the Georgia Bulldogs today in the Sugar Bowl or what. I for one was not expecting this kind of a lopsided game. In fact, I was hoping for more of a Boise State Fiesta Bowl shocker. The poor Warriors offensive line was just no match for Georgia's Defense.


The Rant:
American Foreign policy -- What the heck is the government thinking? Why are we giving money and military weapons to, and supporting so many foreign countries? ... ohh ya, that's right... were "spreading democracy" and "maintaining world peace..." ... Not!

The Truth:
Losing my hair... So, I'm going bald in my old age -- blah. Mostly a receding hairline but it's still discouraging. I visit the Bosley Hair transplant school once in a while and consider getting the procedure done.... right up until you dig and find out that it will cost 4-9 grand... Ouch! Just think of how much Beef Jerky I could buy for that.. *grin*

Nothing like good Beef or Deer Jerky to remind me of how much I used to love going deer hunting with my family and cousins. I find myself reminiscing allot about the 70's and 80's. I miss those uncomplicated times and the ability to get out into the outdoors... yes, of course I still can, but it just seemed so much more accessible and enjoyable back then.

So I'm in this online gaming guild; mostly comprised of older gamers, and with an average age in the 30's. I read the posts most every day and find it very interesting how some people are so predictable in just trying to rack up a high number of post count, while others rarely if ever post. What I love about some of the members is good sense of humor. It is fun to sometimes ramble nonsensically, but with clever and comical undertone. It's a kind of group verbal storey building, but with extreme tangent progression and generally of a humor based theme. One of these days I might add some transcript from one of the sessions.

I hate sleep. For me it is a period of downtime that I would much rather be using to do things not associated with making a living. If it was an option, I would only do it when recovering from the Flue or something. Some use pharmaceuticals to achieve this, but I have found that medications generally do not mix well with my weird body chemistry. So I pretty much just go until my face bounces off the keyboard... which also makes for an interesting facial monogram/tattoo:
y u i
g h j k
b n m <
Strategicly placed somewhere on my right cheek between my chine and my temple.

Music of the Day:
[I am adding this new section to note the artists I listened to today]
- Shinedown
- Puddle of Mudd
- Crossfade
- Mozart
- Doug Stone

Book I am reading right now:

Question of the day:
Would a game designed around proper creation and management of Democratic Government be an effective tool to use as a model for governmental reform? ... or maybe as a training tool for Politicians? (e.g. Game 'America's Army' published by the US Army as a combat training tool.)


Sunday, December 30, 2007

The First

The First - 12/30/07

I find it hard to express true feelings in writing in many cases. My English writing skills have always been one of my great educational challenges -- especially back when I was in school-- and I also tend to take criticism a little too personal. None the less, there is some benefit I see, on the horizon, from being able to brain dump once in a while.


The Rant:
I wonder how many other Americans are as tired of what truly ails our American government as I am. Between the deception, fraud and waste, and all it's glorious corruption... I think I am not in the minority when I say that my faith that the "beast" our government has become is sadly on the wane. It is too bad that we can not reorganize and overhaul the whole system without the threat of war and assassination to the "wave makers" by those who have spent their whole life making things "comfortable" for themselves and who stand to lose the most for both their iniquity and incompetency.

There are some who really care and try (politicians), but the ones who are truly wielding the power seem to have "other interests" than the good of the people on their true and often hidden agenda.

The Truth:
I'm a little addicted to gaming. Sure, there are times when I get tired of it and go on a binge of watching DVDs and Movies instead (I love 'Hogan's Heroes’). Still, there is something alluring and escapist in gaming for me. I used to satiate and escape with D&D in the 70's and with books in the 80's and early 90's last century. But today, while still getting my fill of Fantasy Fiction books, I keep inner piece with games.

Some would measure that addiction against financial gain... true, it is a time sink with little or no gain for me, but I would rather measure it in "sanity maintained". The World is in too much of a rush for me. It all seems to be about the dollar instead of People and Family. My religious beliefs do help keep that in check, but by the same token, I miss a slower world... one in which I spent less time in the house and felt comfortable spending it outside and with others.

So here we are, close to being through another end-of-year Holiday Season, and I can not help but feel very hollow. While there are many thoughts I could share in that vein, as to all the causes... for now, I think I need to use a little discretion in really opening the whole "can of worms". First, I don't think I am ready to deal with them all. Secondly, I am sure the others whom are involved in the collage of pasted pieces are not ready for the changes I would make should I have carte blanche control in life decisions.

Lets focus today on allergies: Having recently been diagnosed with adult allergy-induced asthma, I find the mountain of things which should change in my living environment impossibly huge. Even going more granular and focusing on dust-mites alone seems insurmountable based on current conditions. Ohh my heck... what to do here... So a normal blood histamine count is less than 10, with 10 being what constitutes as a "high count", my test came back with a count of 567... O.o The doctor described this in these terms, "if we relate your count to cholesterol, this would be like having a cholesterol count of around 2000". So.... am I gonna die? *the doctor laughed in my face*

2008 - well, for me it is not about "what am I going to accomplish this year!" It is about surviving day by day and week by week. Maintain sanity and don't make a rash, life altering, stupid decision that felt good because it was changing this static environment that is my life. Some might read into this and say "he must be an addict of some sort"... well, computer games as previously mentioned... What I crave is change and diversity. Money is not hugely important to me, although my tastes tend toward quality (which usually means expensive). So day to day I spend allot of my energy just remaining stable and reliable.

Question of the day:
What would you be willing to sacrifice to live in the place you would prefer?
